7. Fancy Mudcrab
Mudcrabs are fairly ordinary creatures in the world of Tamriel so ordinary are they, in fact, they even use their grey texture to disguise themselves as the most boring object in the world a rock. With their razor-sharp pinchers, however, they can be a deadly foe to the unaware, though youd have to have something seriously wrong with your eye sight not to spot the fancy mudcrap, complete with monocle, top hat and all. Created by Maniczombie, the fancy mudcrab or posh mudcrab as it is also sometimes referred to, was admittedly humorous upon initial inspection, though adds nothing to the gaming experience other than a cheap laugh, and really gets in the way of the authenticity of Skyrim. We wouldnt mind if the mudcrab was modified as a gigantic enemy that tears through the ocean to attack the Draonborn, however, like
this the Giant Mudcrab truly would be a more formidable foe than the smartly dressed one.