Skyrim: Special Edition - 10 Best-Looking Locations You Must Visit

2. Solstheim

Skyrim Solstheim

Available immediately thanks to the bundling of the original's DLC is the Dragonborn add-on which actually takes you away from the Old Kingdom. This story takes place in Solstheim, an area not far from Skyrim but which actually belongs to the region of Morrowind in official terms.

No matter when you decide to take the seafaring approach to Solstheim, you'll immediately be struck by the dramatic difference it bears to the land you just left. Where Skyrim is mostly pure, cold and wintery, Solstheim is brash and hot, a feature most notably represented by the still-smoking volcano near its centre. The ashen lands appear completely devastated in places, but there's a peculiar beauty to it in spite of all this.

Solstheim's reddish hue is jarring at first, but you'll come to see a comfort in it before long. Solstheim will truly make you feel like the stranger in a strange land at first, but the differences are so severe that you'll be compelled to keep venturing further into its heart.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.