Skyrim: Top 10 Artifacts and Where To Find Them

10. Skull of Corruption

What it does: Normally deals 20 points of damage, but that can be increased to 50 if the staff is powered with dreams collected from sleeping people. Just don't try it when they're awake, as it's seen as an attack. Where to find it: Windpeak Inn at Dawnstar How to get it: Agree to help the residents of Dawnstar who are afflicted with frequent and persistent nightmares, by escorting the mage Erandur to Nightcaller Temple ruins. Within are several orcs and mages to kill on the way, after which Erandur will begin to chant a spell to end the nightmares. The Daedric lord Vaermina will then tell you that Erandur will betray you, so will him BEFORE he finishes the ritual and you'll get the artifact. Et voila, all of the best Daedric artifacts in one easy guide. Did we miss any of your favourites? Share your thoughts below...

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