Sonic Mania: 11 Easter Eggs & References You Need To See

3. Club Spin Is Club Sega

Sonic Mania Club Sega

Visitable in Akihabara, Japan - or in many of the Yakuza games - Club Sega has long-since been a destination for gamers around the world.

A phenomenally elaborate arcade, the Club Sega branding has been used in various tourist locations, but the Tokyo branch continues to be the most well-known and iconic.

In a brilliant turn, there's now an in-game Club Sega referenced in Sonic Mania as 'Club Spin', with the word 'Sega' being reversed underneath.

Visible in the background of Studiopolis, also keep an eye out when tackling the 'highway boss' where you'll have to expertly land on some incoming missiles, as once again it'll fly past in the distance.

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