Sony Japan Studio: 28 Best Games They Helped Create

12. Demon's Souls

sony japan studio
Bluepoint Games

Co-developed by: From Software

This is the rough-edged cult classic that sparked the embers that would lead to the wild blaze of the Soulsborne craze. It was a PS3 exclusive first, with Japan Studio involved with dev support and production supervision.

Ironically, the game wasn't much loved by PlayStation themselves - former SIE President Shuhei Yoshida reportedly disliked it so much, PlayStation opted out of international distribution. Namco Bandai picked it up instead, also landing 'sequel', Dark Souls.

Yet, being tough and divisive was the game's full-blown purpose. The lore was obtuse, the objectives were murky, and the checkpoints and enemies were tough and frustrating. It was a game that threw everything at you, and scoffed as you attempted to survive...but, if you succeeded, oh boy, was victory sweet.

Of course, Demon Souls was surpassed by the later Soulsborne game, seen more as a rough-edged template for what would be improved.

However, it still contains a suffocating ambiance that has rarely been equaled. The chilling setting of Boletaria is both melancholy and fascinating, yet terrifying and repulsive.

Japan Studio would return to the IP and collaborate with Bluepoint Games to make a fantastic recent remake for the PS5, several years later.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.