Sony Japan Studio: 28 Best Games They Helped Create

23. Everybody's Golf 

sony japan studio

Co-Developed by: Camelot Software Planning

Originally monikered Hot Shots Golf outside of Japan, this cartoony and likable Golf game delivered the goods when it came to having a solid and enjoyable party experience with the PS1.

It didn't set to shake the gaming medium's foundation, but it was enjoyably simple, whilst being layered and intricate, not to mention easily addictive.

It birthed a franchise that has spanned thirteen entries and is still running today, with the recent Everybody's Golf VR, possibly being the most satisfying of the series.

Camelot left after this entry to create the Mario Golf franchise for Nintendo, and developer Clap Handz has been pumping out reliable entries in co-development with Japan Studio ever since, even spinning off into Tennis and Table Tennis spin-offs.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.