For £240, UK retailer GAME is currently taking pre-orders for the new PS3 Slim model in its sleek new white paint job. Besides its new coat of paint, the new model comes with beefy new innards, including a larger hard drive than the one which came with the old slim. At 320 GB, new owners should have no problem with the whole Never stop playing philosophy Playstation kept pushing at E3...while trying to force Wonderbooks down our throats. The new system also comes standard with a pair of white dualshock controls, which is great since one of those shiny white accessories will run you £26.99 new; having friends is expensive these days. Finally, with all that Sony has been doing to draw people in to Playstatoin plus, it seems fitting that they now offer a 90 day subscription with each of these new consoles. If you act now, that means you should have those benefits through your entire summer vacation, which should be more than enough time to see if their changes have finally made the service worth its cost. About 2 triple A and 4 accompanying titles go free each month for members, when paired with other discounts, a three month subscription nearly pays for the console on its own. If you dont feel like waiting for GAME to put this new console on shelves, then its worth mentioning that GameStop UK already carries it, so depending on where your loyalties lie, you could walk away with it today. In the mean time, it's
also worth mentioning that a trade site has claimed that GAME has secured a deal to be this console's exclusive retailer. After being contacted by said site, Sony released the following statement:
"Our office in Ireland negotiated a separate deal in September with GameStop. We believe this was successful and the stock has sold through. "Here in the UK from July 6th, Game will be selling the White PS3 including the two white Dualshock controllers and a free three months of PlayStation Plus. They are selling a different value bundle and are the current UK exclusive partner for Classic White PlayStation 3."
It sounds like the PS3 model as described above will
only be sold by GAME in the future, while other retailers will carry a separate package. Already have your heart set on this package? I'd move quickly to the nearest GameStop.