South Park The Stick Of Truth: 10 Hilarious Easter Eggs Only True Fans Would Notice

6. City Sushi

Speaking of Mr. Kim, there are a good amount of players that may be wondering why a destroyed building along with a "Tower of Peace" resides next to his City Wok restaurant. In one of the more recent episodes, Mr. Kim got some unwanted competition in the form of a Japanese run restaurant called City Sushi. This pushed Mr. Kim to build the aforementioned "Tower of Peace", where he had planned to kill the owner of City Sushi in an event that looked like a suicidal accident, as according to Mr. Kim suicide ratios for Japanese men are fairly high. To make a long story short, the City Sushi owner does commit suicide - albeit for completely different reasons - and his body crashes through the restaurant, effectively destroying City Sushi. Apparently, South Park has decided not to clean up the mess, making for one sneaky reference here in Stick of Truth. Likewise, the Tower of Peace is also present in the game as a side quest dungeon area where the player battles some of those pesky Mongorians. The side quest should also be one of the first things you do once given control to roam around the city, as the reward is a pretty overpowered bow that inflicts great burn damage.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.