South Park The Stick Of Truth: 15 Most Hilariously Offensive Moments

15. Jew Class

Right at the start of the game, players are, as with any RPG, given a choice of classes to pick from, in this instance being Fighter, Mage, Thief and the South Park-specific Jew. Sure to be the most popular class just out of morbid curiosity, seeing Cartman respond with, "Jew, huh? So I guess we'll never really be friends", when you hover over the class says it all. If you do select the class, you're kitted out with Jew-specific clothing which, of course, has its own benefits, and most hilariously, Jew-specific skills such as Jew-Jitsu, the Sling of David, and even the use of a Dreidel. Of course, this class is itself poking fun at the RPG class system as much as anything else, though it certainly adds even more character to a game already absolutely spilling over with it. If you found this overly offensive, at least the game made it clear from the outset that it probably wasn't for you.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.