South Park: The Fractured But Whole - 11 Most Offensive Moments You Need To See
5. Shub-Niggurath
After numerous missions make it abundantly clear that South Park's police force is stunningly racist, an outrageous twist reveals that the cops have actually been sacrificing much of the town's black population to a tentacled, Lovecraftian monster named Shub-Niggurath (yes, Lovecraft really came up with this).
When the boys discover the truth, ringleader cop Harrison Yates sarcastically retorts, "I guess because cops feed African Americans to an Elder God they're...racist." A boss fight then ensues in which you must feed white cops to Shub-Niggurath in order to kill it, because it can only stomach black meat.
Everything about this mission is just...wrong, and while featuring a monster Shub-Niggurath alone is going to rub plenty of people the wrong way, at least it's a ferociously unique takedown of America's racist police force.