Spider-Man 2 PS5: Every Leak & Rumour You Need To Know

11. Brooklyn And Queens Will Be Included

Spider-Man Homecoming poster
Sony Pictures

So, winter is a great change of setting for the sequel to have, but do you know what's even cooler? The fact that Spider-Man 2 may include Brooklyn and Queens as additional locations in the open world.

Before Spider-Man PS4 came around, pretty much everyone's favourite Spider-Man game was Treyarch's movie tie-in for 2004's Spider-Man 2. However, for my money's worth, the following year's Ultimate Spider-Man was definitely superior - one of the reasons why being that it expanded the previous game's hub-world of Manhattan and let players explore Queens as a teenage Peter Parker.

According to rumours, Insomniac's next Spider-Man game may even do one better.

The sequel will purportedly feature not just Queens as an expanded area of the open world, but also Captain America's old stomping grounds of Brooklyn. That would make it the biggest Spider-Man game ever made, and one sure to be packed full of Marvel-specific Easter eggs in both boroughs.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.