Spider-Man: Miles Morales - 13 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

7. The PS5's Card System Is Faster Than Fast Travel

spider man miles morales

I covered this in the Spider-Man: MM review, but thanks to how the PS5 organises its content, Miles Morales' various side missions, challenges and collectibles line up with the PS5's "Activities" and Cards system.

Seen by tapping the PS button while the game is running (or from Miles Morales' Game Hub on the dashboard), you can then load straight to the point in the open-world where a mission is about to take place.

This is faster than using in-game fast-travel as you'd still have to swing from subway to mission marker, and as you can nab an unlock then push the PS button and go somewhere else, all of Miles' Combat Challenges can be completed in under half an hour.

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