Spider-Man: Miles Morales PS5 Review - 6 Ups & 4 Downs
4. Story Is WAY Too Rushed & Endgame Filled With Collectibles
As you can tell there's a ton to love about Miles Morales, but it does start to feel notably rushed towards the back third.
Besides the overall story length being a paltry 4-6 hours, various seismic plot twists start rolling out in quick succession, and simply because of the tone and pace set by this take on the mythos in the first place (from 2018's game), it doesn't hold a candle to the dynamic of Peter and Otto Octavius.
Where 2018's Spidey was a methodical character piece that knew how to dole out spectacle alongside the relationship of Spider-Man and Doc Ock, here I can't shake the idea that this started as a snappier DLC tale, forced into larger shoes.
I'll say some of the very last cutscenes felt too unbelievable considering the visuals of what was happening, and a protracted set-piece at the end was straight-up ridiculous.
This folds into the endgame, which is more of the same "mop up all the collectibles" fare we had in 2018. Thankfully there's a better narrative payoff to what you're picking up, but when all you're doing is journeying somewhere to push triangle or aim the camera at something, it feels a bit stale.