Spider-Man PS4: 10 Beloved Costumes Fans Need To See

5. Miles Morales Spider-Man

Spider Man Ps4

In recent years, Miles Morales could easily be considered the most popular and interesting characters to have the Spider-Man mantle.

For this reason, and for the fact that it's ridiculously badass, Miles' costume definitely need to make an appearance.

The combination of black and red really makes Miles' costume stand out in a crowd, but it would be even cooler if Marvel's Spider-Man could take the version of his costume from the upcoming Into The Spider-Verse film, complete with a hoodie and sneakers.

Some think that the idea of Miles Morales' costume appearing in the game is fairly unlikely because the character himself will appear, but that doesn't mean that the costume can't be used as a reference. Even if Miles himself does don the Spider-Man name, that doesn't mean his costume will be the same too.

One of the things that makes Miles so popular is the fact that his spider-abilities are so different from Peters. For this reason, Miles' costume ability could very well be the use of his Venom Blast to stun enemies in one hit.

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