Spider-Man PS4: 10 Best Costumes NOT In The Game

8. Cosmic Spider-Man

Spider Man Ps4
Marvel Comics

Spider-Man infused with the power of Captain Universe would look absolutely amazing on the PS4. This suit has always been a favourite with the fans, so here's hoping it shows up.

Spider-Man takes on this appearance when he is granted the powers of Captain Universe from the Enigma Force. Spider-Man gets given a whole host of powers such as matter manipulation, flight and invulnerability.

Essentially, Cosmic Spider-Man becomes as strong as Superman.

Because of how powerful this suit is canonically, it would be pretty cool if this was a 'god-mode' suit that lets Peter beat enemies in one hit. The game already has the naked suit that makes Peter much less powerful, so this could be the reverse of that, and it would make sense for the costume itself.

It may be one of the weirdest costumes in Spider-Man history, but the idea of giving Spider-Man unlimited power is a pretty enticing one, and definitely something we'd love to see in the game.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.