Spider-Man PS4: 10 Best Costumes NOT In The Game

6. Spider-Assassin

Spider Man Ps4
Marvel Comics

Although the colour scheme of this suit is pretty similar to previous Spider-Man suits, the idea of playing with a more lethal Spider-Man who wield guns is too cool to pass up.

Rather than being a different outfit that the mainline Spider-Man wears, the Peter Parker behind this suit is an alternate universe one who believes that killing can sometimes be necessary to get rid of great evils.

This belief gets to the point where this Spider-Man actually becomes a paid assassin alongside Wolverine. Although this may seem like an evil counterpart, he's more just a little twisted.

The black and red suit isn't the only thing that makes this Spidey different, as this one actually uses guns to combat his enemies.

We'd love it if the suit power for a Spider-Assassin suit had Spidey pulling out some guns and killing enemies, but that's not very likely to happen. Instead, the game could riff on that by having Spider-Man pulling out something non-lethal and making a joke about how he'd never kill.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.