Spider-Man PS4: 10 Characters Who Could Be The Perfect Villain

6. Jackal

Spider Man Jackal
Marvel Comics

Given his ties to Gwen Stacy and his almost fanatic obsession with her when she and Peter were in university, Miles Warren is a character well-embedded in Spider-Man's core history. His ultimate despair when Gwen died and his belief that Spidey was to blame turned him into a despicable character, turning many a person against the Wall-Crawler as he sought to defeat him.

Warren's cloning experiments have caused Peter numerous headaches over the years, and having him as the mastermind behind a plot to defeat Spider-Man would be an intelligent move. His manipulative personality and work with genetic modifications could have him virtually leading an army to war against Spidey on the streets of New York.

It's perhaps too optimistic to hope for Jackal's greatest story to be included in this game, as it's likely that we'd already know if the events of Spider-Island were going to be included. A variation on this could be employed, however, and Jackal's ploy to infect New York's citizens with a gene-altering virus would be a strong narrative thread. If this takes the shape of them turning into hulking spiders like in the pages of the event comic, then I certainly wouldn't be complaining.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.