Spider-Man PS4: 10 Major Worries Nobody Wants To Admit

7. QTE's Being Too Prominent

Spider man ps4

The E3 2017 demo from last year showed an amazing action set-piece which was unfortunately infected with way too many quick-time events.

This has created a pretty big concern for the rest of the game being full of quick time events in order to carry the action out.

Games that contain quick-time events often use them as a way of making watching a cutscene a lot cooler than it actually is, and Marvel's Spider-Man worryingly seems to be doing the same thing.

When asked about quick-time events Insomniac remained positive that there wouldn't be a lot of them in the game, and that they'd only be used "to their advantage".

Although this seems reassuring, it more likely means that quick-time events will be a lot more prominent in story encounters, and not in the open-world sections.

Whilst not having them in the open-world is a good thing, having them ruin the story mode encounters isn't exactly a positive outcome.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.