Spider-Man PS4: 10 New Details You Need To Know

1. Other Marvel Superheroes Exist In This Universe

Spider-Man PS4

Ever since the first trailer suggested Doctor Strange's own Sanctum Santorum would appear in Insomniac's open world, rumours have run rampant as to whether or not Spidey will be the only Marvel superhero in town. The developers themselves have remained coy as to whether familiar faces will indeed be showing up, but now it seems all but guaranteed.

Insomniac have not only confirmed that the Sanctum Santorum is present in the trailer, but that other iconic comic-book landmarks, including the Avengers Tower as well as the Wakkandan Embassy, will be major locations in the title's sandbox.

The devs still haven't confirmed whether or not the superheroes associated with these buildings will show up in the flesh, but it's doubtful they'd be included otherwise.

As this seemingly confirms that Sony's Spider-Man is part of an extended Marvel universe, it's not a reach to suggest that Peter's mystery job could in some way be tied to another comic-book hero. Maybe even, say, Tony Stark?

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