Spider-Man PS4: 8 More Costumes The City That Never Sleeps MUST Include
Seriously, how do we STILL not have the original Iron-Spider?!
Spider-Man PS4's first DLC may have been slightly lacklustre in terms of overall story content (not to mention Screwball's incredibly annoying challenges), but we can all agree that its offerings in terms of suits were nothing short of spectacular - especially if you're a fan of Spider-UK.
However, with two more DLCs on the way in the coming months, there are plenty of opportunities for Insomniac to add some more of Spidey's best looks into the game, and with the inclusion of the Superior suit looking less and less likely, adding some of the following will more than make up for it...
8. Iron Spider (Comic Book Version)
Though we already have the MCU's take on this suit available in Spider-Man PS4, it would be nice to see the original finally swing back into the spotlight.
With the combination of metallic elements on top of the main cloth costume, this version of the suit would be one of the few outfits which would not solely be one material or the other, making it a visual delight in-game.
As well as all the visual benefits, this suit comes equipped with some decent history, with Spidey having worn it during his time on Iron Man's team in the original superhero Civil War. Y'know, before he came to his senses and joined the side that didn't send soldiers after kids.