Spider-Man PS4: Every Confirmed Suit So Far

8. Velocity Suit

Spider Man Ps4

The Velocity suit is the last of the pre-order outfits, and is one of the most exciting suits in the game so far.

One of the main things that makes this costume so interesting is the fact that it is completely brand new. The Velocity Suit has been designed by famous comic book artist and costume designer, Adi Granov, and has never been seen before in Spider-Man history.

The actual design of the suit is one of the things that makes it so appealing. The suit bears some resemblance to the Spider-Armour costumes of the past, but distances itself from that with extremely distinct eyes and lighting.

This will definitely be one of the best suits for night-time traversal.

Insomniac haven't yet confirmed what the suit ability for the Velocity Suit is yet, but they've said that it's in the name. This implies that the suit has some sort of movement related ability, which could just be faster web-swinging or something more complicated.

The Velocity Suit is a good example of how much work has been put into Marvel's Spider-Man, and we can't wait to use it.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.