Spider-Man PS4: Every Villain Confirmed (So Far)

8. Scorpion

Spider Man Ps4 Scorpion

Mac Gargan, you poor soul. And to think, if you'd never picked up the phone and answered J. Jonah Jameson's cry of help to investigate Peter Parker's suspiciously easy access to Spider-Man photoshoots, you'd still have your sanity.

But alas, you submitted to the mutagenic experiment that he offered, becoming the Spider's natural enemy in the process. As Scorpion, little remains of Gargan's psyche, it having been replaced instead with a burning hatred for not just Parker's alter ego, but Jameson too.

As is the case with Rhino and Vulture, it's unclear how pivotal Scorpion will be in the game's overarching plot besides being a member of the Sinister Six. Insomniac could opt to gloss over Gargan's grudge against Jameson and focus on his relationship with Spider-Man or wholly explore his, as well as the rest of the Six's backstories to explore how they reached this point in their criminal careers.

We've no other choice but to wait and see how events unfold.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.