Spider-Man PS4 Turf Wars Review: 3 Ups & 4 Downs

2. Hammerhead Is Genuinely Intimidating

Spider-Man PS4 Turf Wars Hammerhead

When True Believers tend to consider the best Spider-Man villains, Hammerhead is rarely counted among the best. He's a mobster with a thick-plated skull, and Tombstone - arguably - does whatever he does only twice as good, owing to the dynamic shared between that character and Daily Bugle staffer Robbie Robertson.

Ironically, it is Insomniac's commitment to portraying Hammerhead as an old-school career criminal that makes him such a sinister force on camera in Turf Wars. Right from the very get go, the game establishes him as a cop-killer willing to do whatever it takes to outmuscle his rivals. He's thoroughly despicable, and his presence addresses one of the biggest flaws from The Heist - that being the lack of a tangible antagonist.

The addition of Hammerhead also begets a shift in tone. Gone are the sunny skyboxes of the main game - in their place are grey skies and rain, while the sound of gunfire permeates the atmosphere. It's an unexpected shift, but it illustrates Insomniac's excellent comprehension of Spider-Man's world, and their willingness to portray all its aspects - both the good and bad.

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