2. Choices That Actually Mean Something

Maybe the idea of a three hour game becoming the industry standard doesn't sound that appealing to you yet, but consider this. Imagine if at pretty much every point of the game you could make a decision, for example choosing to turn your car and going left as apposed to right, that would open you up to entirely different locations, settings and characters, and imagine this choice was available to you most of the time. But instead of this being fairly similar to just a normal open world game, imagine if you had to finish the game in three hours... perhaps "Escape from New York" style (a drug inside of you would kill you if you didn't complete your mission within the set time). How awesome would that be. The thing I absolutely hate about the GTA franchise , the reason I actually haven't finished a GTA game from start to finish, is the amount of boring side missions those games include and the almost endless open world. I'm sure I am not alone in saying that I end up getting distracted, not actually doing all the tedious missions the games want me to do, and instead going off and running people over with my car and then spending the next hour running from the police- and this is only fun for a while. We have been promised real story changing game choices for a long time, but what we end up getting is never really what is promised. A lot of people were annoyed at Mass Effect 3 for example, because the choices you made in the game, and especially at the end, didn't really effect anything. The endings were all pretty much all the same, and you were always going to end up in exactly the same place. But imagine if you could have ended up anywhere, or you could travel literally anywhere a car would take you too within three hours, whilst being chased by the FBI. That sounds like the exact game I create for myself when I play GTA... imaginary cops and robbers basically. And this is exactly what I want from a game. I have always wanted a game similar to the original Terminator movie. Literally a game where you had to outrun a machine by any means possible that will try to kill you at all costs until you find a way to kill the machine, or you get killed yourself. LMNO sounds pretty similar to the game I always dreamed of... and that is my idea of gaming heaven.