Star Fox Wii U: 10 Killer Features It Must Have

10. Proper Use Of The Wii U Gamepad

To be perfectly honest, the Wii U gamepad is a pretty excellent device for designing games around. It can make something that doesn't seem to have a whole lot of player agency feel more interactive, as well as producing some interesting new titles out of E3 that take advantage of it, like Miyamoto's Project Guard. The issue from day one has been that developers don't seem to grasp exactly how to use it, which is where Star Fox Wii U needs to excel. With the new game, the gamepad needs to be involved as much as possible. Using the gyro control to steer will add an extra sense of depth and control to your handling of the ships, allowing you to feel more direct immersion with the crazy battles going on inside the game. On the other side, the gamepad could also show a ton of cool secondary information in the display - anything to help the immersion of you really being in control is a good thing.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.