Star Fox Wii U: 10 Killer Features It Must Have

8. Amiibo Support

One of the most interesting things to come out of Nintendo's time at E3 was the reveal of the Amiibo line of interactive figures. These lovely little figurines are more than just pretty to look at; they can connect directly to your Wii U gamepad or 3DS system to give you some extra little features. And considering that Nintendo displayed a Fox McCloud Amiibo figure in the initial line-up, it seems obvious that Star Fox Wii U will feature some form of connectivity. While it's unknown what exactly that might entail, it's fun to speculate about what Nintendo is going to offer when you pick up yours. Perhaps a multiplayer connection, where you can take your upgraded character over to a friends place and match them up to see just which is the best. Or perhaps it'll take some form of aesthetic upgrades, where you can download new suits for Fox and the gang from your figure. Whatever Nintendo is planning, Star Fox Wii U could benefit greatly from a great selection of Amiibo features.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.