Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Shocking Moments From The E3 Demo

DICE's Star Wars impresses yet again.

Battlefront fans have been on somewhat of a emotional rollercoaster ride during the past few months. Excitement for the series' latest console outing was mixed with worry as some rather disappointing news began to drop - mostly in relation to the absence of a Clone Wars element and a small number of maps to entertain players in the first few weeks of release. But now with full gameplay upon us, excitement has definitely come to define the run up to Battlefront's reboot so far. Between the authentic level design and swift gameplay, one thing has emerged clearly as an indicator of quality - that being that the folks at DICE have been living and breathing Star Wars every single moment they've been involved with the project. It definitely shows, as John William's iconic theme blares overhead whilst both rebels and imperials shout through their radios with amazing similarity to the original trilogy of old. Indeed, EA's Battlefront simply exudes authenticity on a mass scale. At EA's conference, players were given a glimpse at Hoth's battlegrounds which showed off everything from different class types, to vehicles and even hero gameplay too. Multiplayer and Co-Op looked absolutely gorgeous, and it's quite clear the frostbite engine is already tapping into the potential that's stored within the current generation of consoles in a way no other titles have done yet. It'll be game of the show for many, but some moments more than others really upped the ante for Battlefront.
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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.