Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Shocking Things You Need To Know

10. It's Multiplayer Only

The death knell for both Titanfall and Evolve, taking a game that really could - and should - have a single player component, and thusly stripping it away so you can focus on making it an endless series of competitive deathmatches really isn't the best move. Let's face it, Call of Duty fans are about as diametrically opposed to Star Wars lovers as clash of blue and red lightsabers, and although the previous Battlefront's selling points were centred around mashing together as many characters, vehicles and blaster-fire as possible, there's ample opportunity to include a string of offline solo missions, cutscenes to bookend every encounter and so on. Some will shrug their shoulders at this, and others will quite simply say "Well there goes the appeal of this right out the window" - and that's before the inevitable "Pay $20 to unlock extra weapons/characters/skins/iconic vehicle!" pop-ups start appearing.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.