Star Wars Battlefront: 11 Reasons It's A Big Disappointment

8. The Voice Acting Is Terrible

As is a problem with so many video games based on movies and TV shows, the developers cannot always acquire the vocal talents from the source material and must resort to soundalikes whose verisimilitude to the originals can vary wildly. Battlefront really drops the ball here, because while it's understandable that such an illustrious cast of actors couldn't find the time to lend their voices to the game (or simply didn't want to), it seems like DICE pretty much just offered a ham sandwich and a can of Coke to an intern to give these impersonations a try. The most egregious examples are Han Solo, who sounds like a voice actor desperately trying and failing to mimic young Ford, and Darth Vader, whose VA goes full ham and sounds less convincing than one of your mates down the pub cupping his hands over his mouth and approximating that signature James Earl Jones growl. It's depressing most of all because DICE have paid so much attention to the little details visually and in other aspects of the soundscape, but it's incredibly jarring hearing these laughably bad voices whenever the otherwise awesome heroes and villains make their way onto the battlefield.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.