Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 New Gameplay Details You Need To Know

5. Dedicated Servers For Online Play

star wars battlefront

Like the 2015 version, Battlefront II will - thankfully - continue to have dedicated servers. If you're unfamiliar with the terminology, a 'dedicated' server means the publisher themselves have forked out the cash and time to uphold connections on their end (something EA more than have the money and personnel to do), with the opposite being something like For Honor, where the servers are being used for X number of additional tasks.

The latter always results in a poorer experience for the consumer - and is part of the reason For Honor is currently on life support - but here, should be yet another thing EA do well.

If nothing else, plumping for dedicated servers once again proves the team are taking the maintenance of Battlefront seriously, and though at this stage we might be getting an instalment every year until Star Wars takes a break (if that ever happens), EA are - for now - treating consumers with respect.

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