Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Playable Villains It Must Include

2. Darth Malak

star wars knights of the old republic darth malak

"They'll remember Malak. I'll make sure of it."

This may seem like one of the most unlikely things to happen in Star Wars history, but can you imagine playing as Darth Malak in Battlefront 2?

Darth Malak is one of the leading forces behind the great story in Knights of the Old Republic. A malicious villain with great mastery of the Force, Malak proved to be more than capable of going toe to toe with Revan. Besides being a great and intimidating character, Malak would be a great inclusion because of how deep his Force powers go.

Malak has so many different abilities that it's hard to know where to start. The ability to reduce his levels of pain, freeze people in place (before Kylo did!), amplify his screams, sucking the life out of others and even being able to choke several people at once.

Because of his experience on both sides, Malak had somehow managed to master both the dark and the light sides of the Force.

However unlikely it may be for DICE and EA to include a Bioware character in Battlefront 2, Darth Malak is one of the best villains to ever appear in the Star Wars. His inclusion is unlikely, but highly exciting.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.