Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Playable Villains It Must Include

9. The Grand Inquisitor

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"Do you really think you can save the boy?"

The Grand Inquisitor made a big splash when he appeared on Rebels, partly due to his menacing appearance but also because of his amazing Lightsaber.

The circular, spinning design of the Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber is one of the best to appear in the Star Wars universe so far. It's certainly one of the most versatile, being able to split into one or two individual blades as well as being able to be spun about like a windmill. This could play into his style in Battlefront 2, with one of his specials being dedicated to changing Lightsaber styles on a whim.

Besides this, the Grand Inquisitor has great knowledge of Jedi fighting styles, and is fierce enough to be able to take on both Ezra and Kanan at the same time. He wasn't really given enough screentime in Rebels, although his disappearance did lead to the introduction of Vader into the series. A worthy sacrifice.

Of course, the Grand Inquisitor is nothing without his Lighsaber. If DICE can take anything from him, please just include that Lightsaber.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.