Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Playable Villains It Must Include

4. Cad Bane

Cad Bane star wars

"I'll take on any job... for the right price."

A bounty hunter to rival Boba Fett? You better believe it. Cad Bane was one of the most prominent villains to appear in the Clone Wars show.

One of the things that fans love about Bane is his personality. Rather than being as stoic as most other villains in Star Wars, Bane is much more interesting. His wealth of experience and desire for money is shown in almost all of his appearances, which makes him more endearing than being evil for evil's sake.

Despite not appearing much outside of the Clone Wars T.V. show, what we've seen of Cad Bane shows him to be an even better bounty hunter than Boba Fett. Whilst both Jango and Boba couldn't really keep up with the Jedi, Cad Bane has proven himself able to fight them on several occasions.

Although he never necessarily defeated them, Bane could certainly stay on even terms with them and could even capture some of them. This advantage could be because of his increased mobility from his jet boots, something which is arguably more reliable than a jetpack.

Whatever it is that causes Cad to be the best bounty hunter since Jango, it needs to be shown in Battlefront 2.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.