Star Wars Battlefront 2: 12 Screenshots You Need To See

1. Cue The Theme...

Star Wars Battlefront Millennium Falcon

No Star Wars product is complete without a look at the Falcon, and going off what the various hands-on reports have stated about its placement in Battlefront 2, it apparently handles more like a tank.

In one of the most satisfying hands-on comments I've read, PCGamesN note the Falcon has "a stomach-emptying ability to slow from full speed, perform a Split S turn, and boost away within a couple of seconds", outperforming "anything in the aerial ballet."

This sounds like the perfect way to balance how the Falcon 'should' feel, whilst putting it up against more agile ships like Darth Maul's Scimitar.

Also worthy of note for super-fans is that this is the old-school Falcon with the square radar, rather than The Force Awakens' updated, more rounded edition.

The more you know.

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