Star Wars Battlefront 2 Campaign: 9 Bold Story Predictions

1. Iden Versio Will Pass The Torch Onto A Hero For The Next Game

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Iden Versio

As previously mentioned, there's a good chance that Iden Versio won't be getting out of Battlefront 2 alive. Whether she sacrifices herself to help the rebels or gets killed by them during an assault, players probably won't be seeing any more of the character in the future.

Her death definitely won't be in vein however, and moving into the next game Versio could pass the torch down to a movie character to lead Battlefront 3. The developers will have already bridged the gap between the old trilogy and the new with this game, so the only place to go after this would be forward in line with the upcoming films.

By killing off Versio in the climax of the game, the developers could set up a hero like Finn for the sequel, letting players take control of an important movie character going forward.

These games are pretty much movie tie-ins as they are, so in the future they might as well go all-in on owning this in the single-player story.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3