Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Ranking EVERY Hero & Villain From Worst To Best

18. Han Solo

last of us 2 joel ellie


    Detonite Charge: Han throws a sticky explosive that can be detonated at will.
    Sharpshooter: Han fires his blaster rapidly for a few seconds.
    Shoulder Charge: Han charges forward, knocking over and damaging the first enemy he hits.

I wish I was able to rank Han higher on this list, I really do. Don't get me wrong, in the right hands (as with any hero or villain) he can be put to excellent use.

However, without using star cards to beef up his health, and to reduce the heat from Sharpshooter, alongside boosting the damage dealt by his Detonite Charge, then Han feels like an Officer class that happens to look like Harrison Ford.

The DL-44 blaster is a phenomenal weapon, and packs an incredible punch at close range. But against enemy heroes, who can simply block the seven or eight shots fired (before it overheats) then his only option is to briefly stun them with the Shoulder Charge.

One thing working in Han's favour is that using the Detonite Charge effectively can knock enemies from ledges; resulting in an easy kill.

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