Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 Fan Demands DICE Can't Ignore

1. Battle Royale/Last Man Standing Mode

Star Wars Battlefront III Revan

We know, we know... Nobody plays Fortnite anymore.

However, whilst PUBG technically did it first, there is no denying the impact the Fortnite blueprint has had on the gaming industry in recent years.

With games like Realm Royale, Apex Legends, and even Call of Duty getting in on the act, it is inconceivable at this point that the next Battlefront game would not feature a similar mode, even if it not the main thrust of the multiplayer offerings.

Hero and Villain characters would rightly be taken off the board so as not to give an unfair advantage to any particular player, but the prospect of 100 playable stormtroopers, clones, battle droids and rebels exchanging blaster fire across a variety of planets and maps until only one is left standing is just too tantilising a prospect to pass up.

Since the only real customisation options in these games tend to be cosmetic enhancements which, again, do not give anybody a leg-up in combat, DICE could even incorporate a similar system by which your character can be fully customised for battle.

A playable battle droid wearing ARC trooper armour, Obi-Wan's cloak and Jango Fett's helmet?

Take all my republic credits.


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...