Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 Fan Demands DICE Can't Ignore

8. Multi-Era Content

Star Wars Battlefront III Revan

Star Wars may have come to an end on the big screen, George Lucas' Universe has never been as expansive as it is today.

Aside from the main, numbered episodes and spin-offs like Rogue One and Solo, we have multiple series' of Clone Wars, Rebels, the brilliant The Mandalorian to draw upon, not to mention the upcoming High Republic initiative.

Add into this mix existing legacy content like the Knights of the Old Republic series, and DICE have an embarrassment of riches at their disposal.

Whilst it is true that the existing Battlefront games have certainly pulled from different eras of the Star Wars saga, this has so far been limited to characters, vehicles, and planets from the movies; Original, Prequel, and Sequel trilogies present and accounted for.

DICE now needs to go further.

We need Clone Wars' Ahsoka Tano and Savage Opress, Ezra and Sabine from Rebels, and a playable Darth Revan of KOTOR fame.

We also absolutely, one hundred percent, need Baby Yoda and the eponymous Mandalorian.

With the anachronistic vehicles and planets accompanying these multi-era characters and similarly added to the list of useable assets, Battlefront III would not want for content and each new match would feel assuredly different to the last.


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...