Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 New Heroes DICE MUST Include

7. Grand Inquisitor

Battlefront Ahsoka

To combat Ezra in the game, a Grand Inquisitor would make perfect sense.

At this point, Star Wars fans are no stranger to the dark side agents who are tasked with hunting down the surviving Jedi known as the Inquisitorius. 2019's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order dealt with several of them, and even had a mission which takes place in their stronghold. In Star Wars Rebels, the heroes have to battle with the leader of the group known as the Grand Inquisitor.

The Inquisitors use a unique style of lightsaber which can rotate rapidly thanks to its design. This function can also be used in a helicopter-fashion to fly off the ground, something that came across as cheesy in the TV series, but could translate to a video game in a fun and useful way.

After this group of dark siders have appeared so regularly in Star Wars canon, it is only right to add the Grand Inquisitor as a playable character in Battlefront III.


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