Star Wars Battlefront: 7 Free DLC Packs It Desperately Needs

2. More In-Depth Classes

The new Battlefront dabbles a little bit into a class type scenario with the 'Hands' feature allowing the player to hold different items and construct a couple of different combos for battle. However, it just isn't the same as having established classes available to customise to your own playing needs. Battlefront II had a very flexible range of class customisation, as well as DICE's other franchise, Battlefield. It's a pity that it was completely left out of this game, leaving players with much less to work with in terms of creating your own personal gaming experience. To have the ability to chop and change at will has been missed in the newest rendition of the series, and it's certainly something that EA and DICE should have a long hard think about bringing back.

I've loved all things sport since I was old enough to know what sport was and am a big fan of terrible jokes. I get into some Gaming in my spare time and writing articles about the things I love to watch and play.