Star Wars Battlefront: 9 Tips To Win On Every Mode

1. Walker Assault

Walker Assault is one-sided, and that's what makes it all the more appealing. It's fun to play as the supercharged Empire, but it's arguably more fun being forced to play as the plucky underdog Rebels. It makes success all the sweeter when it does finally happen, even if it is only once in 10 games. For starters, completely ignore the AT-ATs until there's a bombing run en route. You've got to accept that the walkers are going to completely bombard you, and it's impossible to stop that unless there's a bombing run. The key for the Rebellion is hopping into a snowspeeder and actually using it to its potential. You'll see plenty of fools gliding around aimlessly shooting the ground in wild hope of hitting someone, but if you're in control, get an early tow cable shot in on the AT-AT. This drastically speeds up the whole process of bringing down the walkers, yet speeder attacks are bizarrely less common than you'd think. If you're on the Empire's side, the task is simple. Overwhelm the uplinks, respawn as close to the action as possible, and don't be afraid to die if it means taking a few rebels down with you. You have the upper-hand, exploit it.

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