Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Characters Who MUST Appear
EA's latest Star Wars game is in development, but who do you want to see included?

EA has had some disastrous outings since obtaining the Star Wars IP, most noticeably with Battlefront II coming under heavy fire for its pay-to-win loot box system. Since then, they have also cancelled the open-world game formerly being developed by now-defunct Visceral Games. As a result, some Star Wars fans have been left to enjoy early 2000s treasures such as Star Wars Episode I Racer or Star Wars Dark Forces.
The publisher may be about to reverse their fortunes however. Respawn - the studio behind Titanfall and Apex Legends, are busy working on a Star Wars game of their own, set to release late in 2019, called Jedi: Fallen Order.
Fallen Order is set between Episodes III and IV, meaning that many of our favourite Jedi are dead and/or missing, but there are plenty of key characters who could still appear. Some rumours place the exact date as immediately after Revenge of the Sith, and others as long as five years after, which leaves us plenty of room to speculate about all our favourite characters.
The period between Episodes III and IV is a long one, but many characters left their mark in that exact era. Given Fallen Order's setting, here are the Star Wars characters who could appear...
10. Obi-Wan/Ben Kenobi

Obi-Wan is a fan favourite and with a lot of confusion currently surrounding whether or not he is getting a Solo-esque standalone feature, and what form said feature will take, Fallen Order could be an opportunity to whet the appetites of Star Wars fans across the globe.
Kenobi would be the perfect character to give our Padawan some much-needed training, so his role could perhaps take the form of a tutorial, or teaching both the player and character new Force abilities.
The options are endless, but we all know a little bit of fan service goes a long way in the Star Wars universe, and Obi-Wan is a character that fans of every generation know and love, and so would be the perfect friendly face to usher in a new era of Star Wars games.
I don't really care what form his appearance takes, as long as it starts with an iconic "Hello there", and EA preferably hires Ewan McGregor (or James Arnold Taylor - as was the case with Battlefront II) as a voice actor.