Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Details The Teaser Secretly Revealed

9. Cal Discovers A Crashed Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Starfighter

The chronology of the trailer is difficult to place in parts, but it would be safe to assume that this sequence takes place after Cal has been discovered by the Empire.

It looks as though he's searching for Jedi artefacts - in this case a crashed, blue, Eta-2 Actis-class Jedi starfighter. It's impossible to tell which Jedi it belonged to (Obi-Wan used a blue starfighter just before the Battle of Utapau, while Aayla Secura also used one in Legends continuity), but it bears the insignia of the Jedi, and the frame/astromech placement aligns with the models seen closer towards the end of the Clone Wars.

Revenge of the Sith Jedi Starfighters

It's also unclear as to where Cal finds this craft. Is it located while he's scrapping the Republic star destroyer seen in the trailer? It's certainly possible, as Venators were able to hold dozens of starfighters at any one time, and it might even be the moment that preempts the later accident that exposes his true identity to the Empire.

For those who are interested, the full chassis of an Actis-class starfighter is pictured above. See the similarities?

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