Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Games It Totally Ripped Off
4. God Of War

Though Fallen Order's director Stig Asmussen did actually helm God of War III, his new game has far greater similarities to last year's incredible God of War reboot.
While both games share an obvious cinematic quality, a quasi-God fantasy, and a not dissimilar approach to environmental exploration, it's Fallen Order's boss fights that feel most indebted to God of War.
The 2018 reboot famously scaled-back the almost comically over-the-top boss fights from the earlier games to more grounded encounters, and similarly, Fallen Order's boss battles are for the most part relatively modest slug-fests.
Sure, Fallen Order's fights feel a little more "game-y", with bosses having various "tells" and attack waves that God of War's bosses often don't.
But the arena-like approach to most of the fights, where you're tasked with hacking away at a life bar while deftly bobbing, weaving, dodging, and blocking, feels ripped straight out of Sony Santa Monica's masterpiece.