Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Little-Known Details Fans Will LOVE

2. There Isn't Dismemberment, But Wounds Reflect The Motion Of Your Blade

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Combat

Old Star Wars games never really had an issue with limb dismemberment, but that's changed in more recent years. Sadly, without the ability for the lightsaber to cut through enemies most Star Wars games have relegated the weapon to an over-glorified glow stick or baseball bat - it feels weak.

Fallen Order must also conform to this trend in order to avoid an 'M' rating, but that doesn't mean Respawn haven't at least tried to depict a different kind of result when Cal's sword strikes a stormtrooper. Behold your handiwork after cutting a few troopers down to size, and you'll see the cauterised strikes from the exact way your blade struck a given target.

Full dismemberment is present when attacking the fictional beasties that reside in a galaxy far, far away, and that's also tracked in line with how your lightsaber makes contact, as opposed to predetermined positions as it was in the older games.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.