Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Little-Known Details Fans Will LOVE
9. Interacting With The Mantis Goes Beyond Fast Travel

In a similar fashion to Mass Effect's Normandy or Splinter Cell: Blacklist's Paladin, players will find themselves using Fallen Order's main mode of transportation for more than just flying through the galaxy.
When Cal goes on the run, he encounters the crew of the Stinger Mantis, led by a former Jedi Knight called Cere Junda. Between missions, Cal will able to navigate the Mantis and interact with its crew and rooms, and will merely have to sit in the cockpit to trigger a cutscene where you come out of hyperspace and arrive at your intended destination.
It's all very seamless, and the simple act of allowing players to roam the Mantis is illustrative of Respawn's commitment to making a truly authentic Star Wars title. How many times have we seen characters relax in the Millennium Falcon while travelling to a specific destination? Plenty of times, and while the Mantis is obviously no Falcon, it does feel like a ship ripped straight from the films.
The Mantis will also be the place players want to stay in to customise their weapon and appearance. Polygon's preview quotes Fallen Order director Stig Asmussen on there being "many, many different combinations" for lightsaber building.