Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 14 Tips, Tricks & Secrets The Game Doesn't Tell You

3. Mediate To Activate A Checkpoint

Star Wars Jedi Order

Another tip that seems obvious but is very easy to miss and can make your life hell, is that you should be meditating every chance you get as you progress, or even backtrack, through areas.

These sigils allow you to rest (which restores life and Force, but resets enemies) and upgrade your character, but it can be tempting to skip over them. Especially if you've cleared out a bunch of areas and are confident in your abilities, you might be tempted to push on, but it's never worth it.

That's because resting at these points creates a checkpoint. If you skip one and die, you'll be sent right back to the last one you rested at, which can result in the loss of a considerable chunk of progress (especially if you're zipping around exploring and not just following the main marker).

You might not think you need it, but it's better to have it banked and not need it, than be caught without a convenient checkpoint.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3