Starfield: 10 INSANE Details You Totally Missed

6. Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants

starfield game
By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Starfield has a lot of planets. This isn't big news. But as you pan across the Starmap in search of new adventure, you might miss one important detail: the planets' names.

In the Alpha Centauri system, which is full of new animals, plants and cities to explore, you can see the planets Jemison, Gagarin and Olivas, the last of which is orbited by the moon Chawla. What do these names have in common? They're all named after real-life astronauts - Mae C. Jemison, Yuri Gagarin, John D. Olivas, and Kalpana Chawla. Since this system is the ideal spot for an outpost, naming the planets after famous space explorers is a fitting homage.

Those planets aren't the only ones inspired by the names of real people, either; there are plenty more planets and systems across Starfield named after famous scientists. A whole solar system in Starfield is named after Werner Heisenberg - as well as all 19 planets within it - and another system is named after Ernest Rutherford, the atomic physicist who also inspired the name of the element Rutherfordium.

There are probably more systems named for astronauts and scientists out there - so happy hunting!

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Movie nut, comic fan, and seeker of forbidden lore. (By which I mean whatever Marvel was doing in the 90s.)