Street Fighter 5: 10 Essential Tips All New Players Need To Know

1. Attack, Attack, Attack

Sounds simple right? Just ruthlessly pound your opponent to victory. But it's obviously a little more intricate than that. All the way back to Street Fighter II, most of the best players have had a defensive technique. Waiting to see what kind of attacks or patterns you might have as a player, and waiting for the perfect moment to strike and counter you. Street Fighter V's completely new mechanism has completely turned that on it's head. The game is very much geared towards offence. In Street Fighter IV, you could perform a €˜crouch tech€™ to safely escape throw situations. Now you can't. If you're too defensive, the opponent will simply throw you to death and beat you with patience. Street Fighter V is very much attack-based. Putting everything you've learned so far together such as mastering hit ranges, mastering counter attacking, using the v-gauge effectively, countering when you're knocked down and unleashing EX attacks and critical art attacks at just the right time on the tail end of combos - all will have you rising up the rankings in no time whatsoever. Be aggressive from the very first second of round one to the very last second of round three no matter what your health bar says. An aggressive playstyle heeds big rewards, and striking first in battle gives you both an EX meter and V-Gauge boost. The first attack also deals more damage. Above all else, evaluate your own performances to improve. Going head-to-head with strong opponents shows you your own weaknesses and strengths. Take time to understand your movements, special moves, blocking and throwing attacks. If you still can't figure out what's lacking, then try watching replays of your previous matches to help see which attack should have been replaced with what you thought in the heat of battle. Keep improving all areas to master it all in no time. Good luck, and I'll see you online. Any other tips new players should know? Let us know in the comments!

Keen gamer specialising in retro games. Will beat you any day at Street Fighter.