Super Mario: 10 Great Songs That Defined The Franchise

8. Super Mario Bros 2: Overworld Theme Okay, lets get something out the way first. We know that Super Mario Bros 2. was originally Doki Doki Panic meaning all of the core gameplay and even the music for Super Mario Bros 2. were originally conceived for another game altogether. So lets give credit where credit is do. Still its worth noting the grand legal precedence of finders keepers losers weepers. Whatever the history of Super Mario Bros 2 may be, the game itself with all its cobbled together and re-skinned parts is still a solid and excellent game that deserves the moniker of Mario. So lets put any controversy behind us. Let's just focus on the fact that we have a great game here with a great soundtrack. Chief among its many audible delights is the main Overworld Theme that greats you when you start the game. Great, varied synth music that evolves as you listen becoming more complex and textured creating a very unique composition overall. In fact it's such a good piece of music that you don't even notice the original Mario Theme is no where to be found in the second game.

Raymond Woods is too busy watching movies to give you a decent bio. If he wasn't too busy watching movies and reading books about movies and listening to podcasts about movies, this is what he'd tell you. "I know more about film than you. Accept this as a fact and we might be able to talk."